Dota 2 Update - November 30th 2015

- Fixed Brewmaster selection after Primal Split.
- Fixed Alt+Clicking on recipes.
- Fixed Alt+Clicking on items carried by an enemy Spirit Bear.

Source: Official Dota 2


BrokeN's Ember Build

Corresponding item build for my in-depth Ember Spirit Guide. 

You can use this Steam version to follow in game. There wasn't room for all of the situational items in the Steam counterpart, so I left out the ones you'd be very unlikely to ever get. 

This build is up-to-date and I constantly review it for necessary changes! It covers the standard cookie-cutter build and most effecient options as of present, as well as expanding into a variety of optional items that will have you covered for 99% of situations you may find yourself in. Make sure to check out my written guide above for a more in-depth explanation of each and every item shown here, and more! 

If you liked this build and/or it helped you in-game, please remember to leave a rating! ♥


Mizu's Pure Support

By Mizu-

My Pure support guide for Shendelzare Silkwood, Vengeful Spirit. This guide is for Support Role who can always gank each lane and/or to protect your carry at Safelane or Offlane and Pushing Towers. Try to sacrifice yourself for your carry~ ^^ 

I Hope you guys like it (๑→‿←๑) ♥ 

I appreciate if someone like to give some comment or reaction about this guide.


Dota 2 Update - November 24th 2015

* Fixed the courier returning to base if Smoke of Deceit was pinged while carried by the courier.
* Fixed some inconsistent behavior with unit selection and spawning illusions or summoned units.
* Updated some checks for the Alt key in the UI to respect both left and right Alt, as well as dota_remap_alt_key.
* Corrected damage numbers in Juggernaut's Blade Fury tooltip.


Dota 2 Update - November 18th 2015

* Fixed a bug with Brewmaster's Primal Split that left Brewmaster selected rather than selecting the summoned Elements.
* Featured Tournament spoiler state is now saved.
* The front page video stream will no longer auto-play if you have spoiler protection enabled.

Source: Official Dota 2


Dota 2 Update - November 17th 2015

* Fix bug causing matchmaking to balance teams poorly at extremely high MMR
* Fixed issue where players who disconnected just before hero selection would not be assessed with a failure to connect penalty, resulting in the match continuing with less than 10 players.
* Fixed an issue were the free camera speed was affected by the replay playback speed.
* Added the ability to spoiler-protect the Featured tournament tab.

Source: Official Dota 2 


Way of the Faerie Dragon

A guide to Puck the Faerie Dragon which after enough practice is guaranteed to ♥♥♥♥ off your opponents!

About the Author!
Hello there ^^
My name is Gunnolf but most people call me Gunny. 
I am your typical Dota player, who however gets slightly competitive at times by virtue of the fact that I have been playing this game close to a decade.
I play almost every hero in the game and I hope to share my experience and knowledge, however flawed, with the rest of the playerbase.
Although Puck may have fallen out of favor recently in the metagame he is still perfect for people like me who seek small adrenaline rushes through quick escape plays.

Introduction: Basic Traits!

Puck the Faerie Dragon is an extremely mobile hero who is best known for being a highly unpredictable and slippery target. 

Most Commonly he is played as an initiator and ganker, with spells that are equally useful for super-aggressive manoeuvers as well as daring escapes. 

Expert use of Puck's abilities will let you appear out of nowhere, suddenly leave your enemies crippled and disadvantaged, and get away in the blink of an eye - but mess up your timing or misjudge the situation, and there is little left to save this fragile Hero from death.

By virtue of his abilities in combination with the following recommended items, I dub this as the ' Puck Rodeo Clown Build'.
Item Choices: Rodeo Clown!
The following build is designed with the purpose of giving puck the ability to control the flow of any fight as well as so many escape options that dying becomes virtually impossible. The list is as follows:

  1. Treads
  2. Blink Dagger
  3. Eul's Scepter of Divinity
  4. Force Staff
  5. Situational Item
  6. Situational Item

Blink Dagger
It should come as no surprise that this is essentially a core item pickup on Puck, since it has tremendous synergy with his abilities allowing him to get in and out of combat easily e.g.

  • Blink into combat --> Silence (with Waning Rift) + cast Dream Coil --> Illusionary orb and Ethereal Juant to safety
  • Phase Shift --> Blink to safety

Eul's Scepter of Divinity
As most of you already know this item is generally a useful pickup if your team requires another disable. The item does provide extra movement speed and mana regeneration, however that is not the only added benefit for a hero such as Puck. The duration of the cyclone when cast is 2.5sec which when added to the duration of Waning Rift (3.25sec) Provides puck with close to a 6sec invulnerability window which can allow him to escape e.g.

  • Blink into combat --> Illusionary orb and Ethereal Juant to safety --> Cyclone from Euls --> Phase Shift --> Blink to safety

Force Staff
This is an overall good and cheap utility item for saving allies and forcing enemies into bad spots.
Apart from the obvious, Puck can additionally use it on an enemy hero caught in his ultimate to forcibly break the Dream Coil to trigger a stun.
Item Choices: Situational Combo
Due to the 'Rodeo Clown Build' only requiring three items to be completed, that leaves two slots open for anything that strikes your fancy or is deemed necessary to stay relevant within the game.

Aghanim's Scepter + Refresher Orb
In the circumstance that my team has quite abit of aoe dmg in the forms of spells or cleave,the combined aforementioned items on Puck can effectively trap enemy heroes quite closely without any means of escape.

Aghanim's scepter provides an unbelievable upgrade on Puck's ultimate as it Increases Dream coil's duration, coil-break damage and coil-break stun duration. Making Coil-break stun pierce spell immunity, thereby making bkb's lose some of their value.

The Refresher pickup is simply for irritating your opponents while you multicast all your items and abilities once again.
Although you won't actually pose any direct threat to your enemies with the suggested items in your possession, being ignored is precisely what will allow you to lead your team to victory. 

With so many escape mechanisms at your disposal enemy heroes will effectively think twice before attacking you . In the eventuality that they don't you will be able to use the utility items offensively by disrupting channelling spells, locking down enemy carries or forcing them into danger.

However, in the eventuality that they do decide to focus poor old you, you'll have a total of six spells that will help you disengage easily from the fight.


As with any build, there are some obvious weaknesses:

  • Since the top three items of this deck are all utility, you lack the ability to get any kills yourself without the assistance of your team especially at a high skill level.
  • It takes quite abit of time to refine in terms of play. Just because you have all these new shiny buttons to play, does not mean you should be spamming them at a moment's notice. Stay calm and collected and uses when appropriate in either an offensive or a defensive manner.

Having said that, I have play-tested it in pubs as well as ranked games (4k+ mmr) and so far it has proven to be extremely fun. 

Thank you so much for reading this build, if you did in fact like it or found interesting I would appreciate an upvote. 
I also welcome constructive feedback and potential suggestions to improving this build. 
Needless to say disruptive comments will just be deleted.

Thank you very much for the time you have spent. 
Stay Safe 

Items & Skill Build

( Side Lane - Rift Build )

( Solo - Orb Build )


Tusk — The Multipurpose Snowball

Simple general guide to improve your Tusk's gameplay 

Now with Item builds !


As everyone knows Tusk is a very versatile hero , he can be pretty much played in any role ..preferably support or offlane . middle lane is fine too , but there are some heroes that could "mid" better than Tusk

-Tusk is a great roaming supporter/ganker due to his abilities such as Snowball that can very easily catch the enemy hero (with Ice Shards )

-Tusk benefits from farm, therefore putting him into the offlane isn't really a bad idea . Tusk is capable of dishing a great deal of damage during the early/middle game ,assuming you manage to get deso/shadowblade of course.

Laning phase (Crucial)

If you're supporting and doing a 3-1-1 lane , always make sure you're the one who's pulling because you can't really zone the enemy offlaner ,why? because tusk is melee . But always keep in mind you and your fellow supporter can always kill the enemy offlaner because you do have the second skill advantage 

Always help out the middle lane if you're doing a Roaming support , start ganking mid when you've reached level 2 . Your second skill Snowball allows you to catch enemy heroes that doesn't have an escape mechanism in the early game such as Shadow Fiend and Storm Spirit etc

There isn't much else to say about Offlane Tusk , however :

-Stay alive 
-Always carry a TP scroll to help out other lanes
-You can rotate to middle lane if you want to (when you've reached lvl3-4)
-Stop farming and start moving around once you've reached lvl 6

Which ever lane that you choose, make sure you have sufficient health regeneration which comes in the form of tangos and healing salve. Allowing you to stay in lane longer.

Late Game
Late game pretty much comes down to you and your team's early game performance , decisions and item choices

-You don't really need to go All in on damage as a Tusk . That said, if you see enemy heroes that have a high Physical DPS..why not getting a Vladimir's Offering and Assault Cuirass? those items are generally good and could help out your team by a ton thanks to the additional +10 armor

Bonus : Ways to slightly increase your winning rate

-Always setup a 2-3 man smoke when smokes are available , pickoffs does win you the game 

-Always communicate with your team 

-ALWAYS carry a TP Scroll

Skill Build

Skill Build is always the same in every scenarios . Except when you're level 1 trying to contest the rune , You'll probably prefer Snowball over Ice Shards . You can deal 160 damage to the enemy hero and possibly kill your enemy with the help from your team mates

Item Builds

Offlane / position #3


-A stout shield and 2 sets of regen (Salve and Tango) is highly recommended to deal with the harassment from the enemy supports 

-2 branches to build into a Magic Stick 


-Phase Boots gives you the maximum damage output also allowing you to gank constantly because of the movement speed 

-Getting Bottle and a Magic Stick helps with your resources a lot that means you do not need to go back to base often 

-Core items to get if you're offlaning (you can easily afford these items because you do have the money)

-These items deals a lot of damage also work well with your ultimate 


-Most of these items are very situational . You get these accordingly to the enemy heroes , you only get these items because you needed it not because you wanted it

Safelane/Roaming support / Position #4/5


-2 Clarity Potions to help your mana going (zoning the enemy offlaner/roaming)

-2 branches to build into Magic Stick 


-Supportive Tusk is all about supporting your team so getting these items is generally a good idea 

-Mekasm and Arcane Boots to build into GG boots 


-There isn't much else to be say about these items . All of these are very situational depending on your team / enemy heroes


Dota 2 Update - November 12, 2015

- Added new Featured Tournament section to Watch for The Frankfurt Major. Includes live schedule and bracket views with easy access to live broadcasts and replays
- Fixed several memory leaks in the client and server
- Reduced rendering memory usage
- Fixed a regression in GPU performance
- Direct3D9Ex support enabled by default, which improves alt-tab behavior
- Reduced CPU usage when game is minimized
- Added alt click support for showing XP remaining until next level
- Added a sound for the Aegis expiring (audible to allies only)
- Added support for player color on Boots of Travel
- All places in the UI where ping times are displayed now display the network round trip time. Previously, different places displayed different measures of latency. For more details on this change, see this post on our dev forum: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=184807
- Fixed a bug where spectator gems were not incrementing correctly after watching a game
- Fixed Ghost Scepter with Dazzle Weave interaction
- Fixed Io portrait popping
- Fixed a bug with spikey Zeus head
- Enable normal maps in portrait views
- Workshop Importer: Fixed issue with portrait editing the where camera framing and spotlight shadows did not exactly match the in game portrait view
- Workshop Importer: Added template for chat emoticons and team logos
- Workshop Importer: UI improvements to make complex submissions more manageable
- Workshop Importer: Portrait editing UI improvements
- Fixed an issue where Radiant fountain and building particle effects would sometimes not be present when spectating
- Fixed hitboxes for Tinkbot courier


6.85 ( Ez MMR ) - Timbersaw ( Offlaner )

by Sonyk


You can easily upload your MMR alone, I recommend you use this guide.

Good Luck!

Item Build

Ability Build

Author's Item Notes


6.85 - Standard Alchemist (Middle) Build

by Torte de Lini

Alchemist can play a proactive role as a ganker or as an end-game carry depending on how he is built skill and item-wise. Alchemist can farm thanks to his ultimate's regeneration as well as Acid Spray, or gank in combination with Unstable Concoction and Acid Spray. Regardless, his ability to earn gold incredibly fast with Greevil's Greed is his the reason he has such fluidity. 

Alchemist suffers from a week health-pool and armour, making him frail for his late-game capabilities.

Item Build

Ability Build

Author's Item Notes

Author's Ability Notes

Source: Dota 2 Official Guides


Dota 2 Update - November 9th 2015

- Fixed a crash related to Lotus Orb being used on Illusions.
- Fixed a rare crash during Alt+Tab.
- You can now change the value of cheat protected console variables while viewing a demo.

Source: Dota 2 Official


Dota 2 Update - November 5th 2015

- Fixed a bug with Troll Warlord animations when cancelling Ranged Axes.
- Fixed equipping HUD skins outside of a match.
- Fixed some memory leaks.

Source: Dota 2 Official


Dota 2 Update - November 4th 2015

- Fixed not being able to watch a single-match series.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Collection tab in the Armory having the correct number of slots.
- Added previewing sets with the infuser applied to the Tribute treasures.
- Fixed some memory leaks.
- Fixed some cases where Lone Druid's Bear was not displaying the disarm state correctly.

Source: Dota 2 Official


Dota 2 Update - November 3rd 2015.

- Spectator gems increment when spectating games.
- Fixed a crash when spectating or watching replays of tournament games.
- Elder Titan's Astral Spirit is no longer box-selectable while not summoned.
- Fixed Ember Spirit's Fire Remnant rarely creating the remnant visual effect in the wrong place.
- Fixed drag+drop of multiple selected items in the Collection tab of the armory.
- Fixed leaderboards not being updated.
- Fixed a bug where players who clicked the "leave game" button after timing out would not properly be treated as abandoning the match.
- Fixed Invoker's Heaven Piercing Pauldrons.

Source: Dota 2 Official


Dota 2 Update - November 1st 2015

- 6.85b: Scepter Doom no longer increases damage
- 6.85b: Scorched Earth damage and heal reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 12/23/34/45
- 6.85b: Scorched Earth cooldown rescaled from 60/55/50/45 to 55
- 6.85b: Spiderlings Poison Sting slow reduced from 12% to 8%

Source: Dota 2 Official

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